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zr homeopathy - pusat perubatan homeopathy

Sistem perubatan homeopathy kini telah diiktiraf oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia


Perubatan homeopathy kini telah menjadi salah satu kaedah rawatan pilihan utama di Malaysia


Rawatan homeopathy bebas dari penggunaan dadah,bahan kimia,sumber haiwan dan tiada kesan sampingan


Perubatan homeopathy adalah sistem rawatan gaya sunnah

Apakah Homeopathy

Cogankata Perubatan Homeopathy adalah ‘Serupa Dengan Serupa Menyembuhkan’. Dalam bahasa Inggeris ‘Likes Cure By Likes’, sementara dalam bahasa Latin pula ialah ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’. Homeopathy ialah gabungan dua perkataan Yunani,OMIOS dan PATHOS yang bermaksud ‘SAMA’ dan‘MENDERITA’ atau ‘SAKIT’. Homeopathy bermaksud ‘merawat dengan sesuatu yang menghasilkan kesan serupa dengan apa yang dideritai’. Ia juga bermaksud yang sama menyembuhkan ( treating like with like ).

Tujuan Perubatan Homeopathy ialah menyembuhkan sebenar-benarnya menghilangkan dan mengikis penyakit yang ada hingga ke akar umbinya. Ia menyembuhkan penyakit dengan mencari punca atau sebab penyakit bukan hanya mengubati hasil penyakit itu. Itulah keistimewaan yang membezakannya dari lain-lain cara perubatan samada dari cara tradisi atau secara moden. Walaupun pada dasar asas, masing-masing menuju ke matlamat yang sama iaitu menyembuhkan penyakit membawa kepada kesejahteraan diri.

Homeopathy ialah bentuk perubatan paling selamat. Ia merawat individu secara menyeluruh dan menitikberatkan penyenggelaraan kesihatan serta membantu pemulihan dengan bergantung kepada kesan-kesan daya atau kuasa swa-aturan atau swa-sembuhan tubuh. Jadi Homeopathy merangsang dan mengawal pengaturan kendiri tubuh. Homeopathy bukan satu falsafah, ia satu sains berdasarkan pemerhatian dan pengalaman. Sebagai satu sistem perubatan yang tepat, didasarkan dari hasil kajian yang bertahun-tahun untuk mendapatkan maklumat yang benar-benar memuaskan.

Pandangan-pandangan penelitian dan keputusan-keputusan hasil kajian tersebut dibukukan dalam buku penawar atau material medica yang mana bahan-bahan ubat yang telah diuji dicatitkan maklumat-maklumatnya membolehkan para doktor Homeopathy yang terkemudian meneliti, mengkaji dan menyemak semula penelitian itu untuk mempastikan ketepatan dan menemui penemuan-penemuan baru. Perubatan Homeopathy juga mempunyai tafsiran-tafsiran yang tepat tentang satu-satu kejayaan ubat kerana satu-satu penawar selalu mendapat penelitian, kajian dan percubaan (proving) dengan pasti kesan khasiatnya keatas diri manusia bukan menjalankan kajian keatas binatang seperti monyet, tikus dan arnab yang mempunyai kuasa hayat sangat berbeza dengan manusia.

Perubatan Homeopathy mempunyai pengkajian sains yang tersendiri berdasarkan undang-undang seraksi, berasaskan dari pembinaan sains yang benar. Kajian untuk mengetahui kesan-kesan ubat terhadap diri manusia hanya dijalankan keatas orang yang benar-benar sihat. Tujuannya untuk menimbulkan sesuatu gejala (symptom) penyakit (artificial disease) pada orang yang sihat itu. Maklumbalas yang berupa semboyan-semboyan sakit sangat berguna untuk memastikan khasiatnya berkesan keatas diri manusia, dengan itu dapatlah ubat-ubat itu digunakan untuk memulihkan kesihatan dari berbagai-bagai jenis penyakit. Perubatan Homeopathy dapat memberikan rawatan yang membawa kesejahteraan menyeluruh disepanjang hayat seseorang kerana rawatan yang diberikan secara Homeopathy meliputi punca kelemahan pesakit termasuk juga sejarah pesakit dan keturunannya diambil kira serta diberikan. Ini mengurangkan kekerapan pesakit ke klinik secara jangka panjang.

Kesabaran sangat diperlukan untuk membawa kesejahteraan dalam rawatan sistem Perubatan Homeopathy, berbeza dengan sistem perubatan yang lain yang sangat kurang mementingkan soal ini. Perawat perlu bersabar dalam menyelidik kes-kes dan merawat pesakit yang jangka sembuhnya panjang. Pesakit pula harus bersabar menerima rawatan yang berperingkat dan mengambil masa untuk menyembuhkan sesuatu penyakit terutama sakit-sakit yang telah lama

Para perawat Homeopathy pula tidak akan memberi penawar dengan meneka-neka atau kerana orang lain memberitahu bahawa satu-satu penawar itu baik untuk menyembuhkan satu-satu jenis penyakit. Keadaan yang seperti ini dianggapkan menjadi satu kesalahan dalam etika Perubatan Homeopathy dan di anggap sebagai tidak bertanggungjawab.

Para doktor Homeopathy sanggup berkorban dan secara langsung mereka pula harus sanggup menjadi ahli fikir (philosophy). Mereka mesti sanggup dan berkeupayaan untuk mengkaji pesakit sedalam-dalamnya meluangkan masa berjam-jam dalam penyelidikkan. Melalui sinar yang terpancar di air muka pesakit, mereka boleh meneliti segala kekuatan ‘Kuasa Hayat’ pesakit itu dan dapat membezakan kebenaran dan kesalahan dalam gelagat yang ditunjukkan oleh pesakit sewaktu mereka membuat aduan. Begitu juga mereka harus dapat menterjemahkan segala tanda-tanda yang ada di wajah pesakit berbanding dengan kebiasaannya dan keadaan persekitarannya. Selepas itu dapat pula membuat kumpulan-kumpulan muktamad tentang gangguan-gangguan yang di alami dan mencarikan serta menentukan dengan tepat penawar yang benar-benar sesuai.

Sistem Perubatan Homeopathy menggalakkan kita menggunakan sepenuhnya daya pemikiran terbuka untuk tamaddun di masa akan datang di dalam dunia perubatan. Ruang penyelidikkan masih luas, para penyelidik berpeluang menyiasat zat-zat yang terdapat dalam sebarang benda di muka bumi untuk dijadikan ubat bagi menyembuhkan pesakit menurut kaedah serasi. Selain dari itu, sistem perubatan atau rawatan Homeopathy adalah yang paling istimewa sekali untuk merawat masyarakat kerana sistem ini sahaja yang dapat memberikan kesembuhan kesihatan yang kekal dan sempurna.

Pengasas Perubatan Homeopathy

HOMEOPATHY bersandarkan pada prinsip persamaan; sesuatu yang memberi penyakit juga boleh mengubati penyakit yang sama iaitu Hukum Kesembuhan Semulajadi. Ia merupakan terapi holistik yang amat berkesan untuk menghilang dan mengikis penyakit yang ada dipelbagai peringkat, iaitu penyakit fikizal, emosional dan mental. Homeopathy menggunakan dos yang amat kecil sehingga menjadikan ia sangat selamat tanpa sebarang kesan sampingan.
Homeopathy diasaskan oleh Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) yang berasal dari Jerman. Hahnemann mendapat ijazah kedoktoran dalam tahun 1779 dan memulakan praktis perubatannya sendiri. Beliau merasa tidak tenteram dengan ubat-ubatan terutamanya ubatan yang menggunakan dadah yg bertoksid. Beliau kemudian menutup kliniknya lalu bekerja sebagai ahli kimia disamping menterjemahkan teks-teks perubatan. Ketika itu, pada sekitar tahun 1790, Hahnemann mula mendapat projek menterjemahkan teks Materia Medica William Cullen ke dalam bahasa Jerman. Ketika itu lah beliau didedahkan kepada prinsip persamaan, lalu beliau terus mengumpulkan banyak data-data yang akhirnya menukar dunia perubatan untuk abad-abad seterusnya.
Kolej Perubatan Homeopathy yang pertama telah didirikan di Amerika Syarikat pada akhir tahun 1800. Kolej ini mendapat pengiktirafan kerana kejayaannya mengubati banyak kes-kes penyakit berjangkit pada ketika itu seperti , scarlet fever, demam kepialu , cholera dan demam kuning.Perubatan Homeopathy menjadi sangat terkenal pada awal tahun 1900 an. Pada ketika itu, terdapat 22 sekolah perubatan homeopathy, 100 hospital homeopathy dan lebih 1,000 farmasi homeopathy. Boston University, Stanford University dan New York Medical College adalah diantara pusat pengajian tinggi yang mengajar matapelajaran homeopathy.
Namun begitu, pada awal tahun 1920an banyak pusat pengajian tinggi homeopathy ditutup disebabkan pertumbuhan industri perubatan moden dan farmasi-farmasinya. Walaupun minat di dalam homeopathy di Amerika Syarikat semakin menurun, ianya tidak terjejas di tempat-tempat lain di dunia. Bahkan telah menjadi satu kebangkitan di Eropah dan beberapa Negara di Asia, terutamanya di benua India.
Mahatma Gandhi yang agung, telah menyedari akan keberkesanan homeopathy ketika beliau melanjutkan pelajaran di Eropah. Beliau kagum dengan harganya dan keberkesanannya yang hebat, sehingga beliau membawa homeopathy ini ke India. Hari ini perubatan homeopathy adalah merupakan industri yang sangat besar di India dan Pakistan, sehinggakan ramai yang menganggap asal usul homeopathy adalah dari benua India.
Pada hari ini, hampir kesemua farmasi di Peranchis menjual ubat-ubatan dan penawar homeopathy. Malah jenama ubat batuk yang terkenal di farmasi Peranchis pun adalah ubat homeopathy. Keluarga diRaja British adalah peneraju penggunaan perubatan ini di Eropah sehingga terbinanya Royal London Homeopathic Hospital di United Kingdom. Sehingga kini terdapat 5 buah hospital homeopathy di United Kingom, iaitu di London, Tunbridge Wells, Bristol, Liverpool dan Glasgow.
Pada tahun 2009, Perubatan secara Homeopathy digunakan di lebih 80 buah negara di seluruh dunia, terutamanya di Eropah. Ia juga mendapat tempat di Amerika Selatan (Brazil & Argentina), India dan Pakistan. Walaupun masih sedikit penggunaannya di Amerika Utara, namun perkembangan Homeopathy telah dapat dirasakan. Semenjak 30 tahun dahulu Homeopathy telahpun berkembang ataupun hadir di Afrika Selatan, Tunisia, Morocco, Venezuela, Israel, Australia, Jepun dan beberapa negara lain.
Di Malaysia, Fakulti Perubatan Tradisional dan Komplementari Kolej Universitiy Sains Perubatan Cyberjaya merupakan universiti yang pertama di Asia Tenggara yang menawarkan kurus Sarjana Muda Sains Perubatan Homeopathy, dan mendapat kelulusan Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) bersama Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia dan Majlis Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia.
Majlis Akademi Homeopathy Malaysia (MAHM), di bawah Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia telah melahirkan ramai graduan di bidang homeopathy dengan kerjasama Fakultas Perubatan, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU).
Pengamal Homeopathy yang professional diwajibkan untuk mempelajari bidang Anatomi, Physiologi, Pathology, Materia Medica, Falsafah Homeopaty dan Repertori serta mempunyai pengalaman secara klinikal. Ada di antara Pengamal Homeopathy yang juga merupakan doktor perubatan, malah ramai di antara mereka adalah juga chiropractors, naturopaths, osteopaths, jururawat, doktor gigi dan doktor haiwan.

Orang Ternama Guna Homeopathy

Kesemua keluarga diRaja British termasuk Queen Elizabeth II,
dan Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales

Ramai diantara ahli perubatan dan saintis konvensional yang mempunyai pandangan yang positif terhadap homeopathy termasuk, Sir William Osler (the "father of modern medicine"), Emil Adolph von Behring, MD (the "father of immunology"), Charles Frederick Menninger, MD (founder of the Menninger Clinic), August Bier, MD (the "father of spinal anesthesia"), C. Everett Koop, M.D. (former Surgeon General, U.S.), Brian Josephson, PhD. (Nobel Laureate & Cambridge professor).

2 orang Perdana Menteri Britain (Disraeli and Tony Blair) dan 11 orang Presiden Amerika menggunakan remedi homeopathy atau mengizinkan perubatan homeopathy dijalankan (Lincoln, Tyler, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, McKinley, Coolidge, Harding, Hoover, & Clinton.
Ramai bintang filem dan selebriti TV termasuk Catherine Zeta-Jones, Lesley Ann Warren, Pamela Anderson, Jane Seymour, Suzanne Somers, Lindsay Wagner, Michael York, Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw, Priscilla & Lisa Marie Presley, Jennifer Aniston, Jade Jagger, Tobey Maguire, dan Orlando Bloom.

What Is Homeopathy

A Powerful Healing System

Homeopathy is a medical system that was introduced by a German doctor Samuel Hahnemann over two hundred years back. The system is based on the Law of Similars, which was described by Hahnemann using a Latin phrase, "Similia Similibus Curentur", which means, "Let likes be cured by likes". Hahnemann named the system as Homeopathy. The philosophy is that the symptoms produced by a drug when given in strong doses to a healthy person, can be cured by the same medicine in higher dilutions in potentized form. In other words, minimal doses can relieve diseases that have symptoms similar to those created by strong doses of the drug. This is a philosophy that works excellently but is not understood by those used to material doses of modern medicines.

Homeopathy is a powerful healing system that has stood the test of time and is especially known for its effectiveness in chronic diseases but that does not mean that it is no good in acute cases. If your homeopath is experienced and knowledgeable, you would see how effectively it can cure. The system has the capability to cure many diseases without surgery. In certain cases where diagnosis has not been established and nothing has been found even after series of various laboratory tests, symptomatic treatment of homeopathy comes as blessing. Homeopathic medicine selected by taking all the symptoms in to consideration usually gives amazingly positive results. Homeopathic medicines are effective and safer at the same time with lasting effects but no known harmful side effects. The advantages, particularly safety of the medicines have given it ever increasing popularity. It is especially preferred for chronic diseases while it is equally effective for the acute diseases. Those who do not trust the system might like to give it a try.

Hahnemann did commendable work during his life time but obviously he could prove only a limited number of medicines. Lots of medicines have been introduced after him by dedicated homeopaths. There are now thousands of medicines in the shelf that can meet most of the situations.

Homeopathy is one of the scientific systems of medicine based on the Principle " Similia Similibus Curentur" which means, " let likes be treated by likes". It originated in Germany in 1794, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German Physician enunciated this Principle. There are theories on how exactly homoeopathic medicine works. As supported in major clinical trials and in practice, it is believed to be working by stimulating body's own healing mechanisms. The action of Homoeopathic medicines can be compared to vaccines, which also act by the same principle. 

Who Started Homeopathy

Who Started Homeopathy?

Who Started Homeopathy?
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, A German Physician, discovered Homeopathy

The history of Homeopathy begins with its founder, Samuel Hahnemann. He was born in Meissen, Germany in 1755, the second child of a famous porcelain painter. A thin, delicate and highly intelligent child, Samuel did not enjoy robust health during childhood. He showed an early interest and capacity for the study of languages as well as the study of botany. His upper middle class family life was shattered by the outbreak of the Seven Years War (1756-1763) which caused the collapse of the famous porcelain trade in Meissen and forced young Samuel to interrupt his early education and take menial jobs to support his family. His early teachers noticed his great intellectual capacity and taught him despite his family’s inability to pay for his studies. He entered the Prince’s School in 1771, after his father pleaded with Frederick, Archduke of Saxony for his son’s admission.
He excelled at his studies and later entered the University of Leipzig in 1775 to Study medicine. He maintained a meager existence at the university by teaching German and English and by translating Greek and English texts into German. He was a loner, and preferred to acquire his knowledge from medical texts rather than attending lectures. Disappointed by the lack of intellectual stimulation and the lack of practical clinical experience at Leipzig, Hahnemann left for Vienna in 1776. Vienna, the capital of the Hapsburg Empire was a center of the arts, music, and learning and it was during this time that Mozart gave several public recitals. There Hahnemann worked under Dr. Quarin, senior physician of the Brothers of Mercy Hospital in Leopoldstadt, a suburb of Vienna. Dr. Quarin was the personal physician to Empress Maria Theresa, ruler of the Hapsburg Empire and young Hahnemann was allowed to accompany the senior doctor in attending his rich and famous patients. Hahnemann was later introduced to the wealthy Baron Samuel von Brukenthal who gave Hahnemann a two year appointment as his librarian. During this period he enriched his study of chemistry and botany and furthered his already extensive knowledge of literature and foreign languages. He left his benefactor to complete his medical studies at the University of Erlangen in Bavaria. In 1779, at the age of twenty-four, Hahnemann was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine.
Hahnemann established his first practice in 1780 in the mining town of Hettstedt. It lasted all of nine months before he moved on to the town of Dessau. During this period the seeds of his philosophical rebellion were planted. The current therapies of bloodletting, purging, puking and the administration of heroic doses of harsh drugs were barbaric and inhumane to Hahnemann. He was more interested in the study of the newly emerging science of chemistry and in writing articles for medical journals. In 1782, while in Dessau he married the pharmacist’s stepdaughter, Johanna Henrietta Leopoldine Kuchler, who would remain his constant companion for the next 48 years. 

During the years 1782 to 1805 Hahnemann moved his family no less than twenty times, sometimes spending only months in a town before moving to the next. This was a highly unusual and dangerous undertaking considering the risk to his family from thieves who preyed upon travelers in those days. His wife bore him nine children and he barely managed to feed them by the intermittent practice of medicine, translating medical texts, and for one year managing an insane asylum. During this time he also wrote some original articles on chemistry, the distillation of liquor, diet, hygiene, children’s health, and critiques of current modes of therapy. He maintained a small medical practice and for a period was the Medical Officer of Health for the city of Dresden where he supervised physicians, midwives, and surgeons.

Advantages Of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is an alternative healing system but it is gaining popularity all over the world. In South Asia particularly in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka homeopathy is preferred by a large section of the population because it is simpler, economical, safe and yet effective. In certain cases it is found to be more effective than any other healing system.

Main advantages of homeopathy are:

Ø  Homeopathy is effective and safe treatment system that aims at stimulating body’s own healing mechanism to counter the manifesting disorders.
Ø  The system is curative, not suppressive with many advantages.
Ø  Homeopathic medicines have no known harmful side effects. They are much safer during pregnancy and for children of all ages and can be chosen according to modalities.
Ø  Homeopathy is effective in both acute and chronic diseases and can successfully cure many diseases without surgery including even some of the dental diseases.
Ø  Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole, not part by part or organ by organ and covers very wide range of symptoms from light fever and sore throat to chronic and complicated diseases.
Ø  Homeopathy is especially useful for treatment of those diseases that have no known cause  because homeopathy considers all the symptoms, which automatically takes care of the underlying cause.
Ø  Takes care of the modalities, which is yet another wonder of homeopathy.
Ø  In many cases it works quicker than other treatments.
Ø  Apparently the disease may though be the same in different individuals, their symptoms might be different to each other. Homeopathy has a great range of medicines covering such conditions.

Homeopathy is especially useful for treatment of those diseases that have no known cause or are considered incurable by other healing systems. Due to symptomatic approach of homeopathy, the underlying cause is automatically taken care of and treatment of such diseases is not a dream. They can actually be treated by taking all the symptoms in to account according to condition of the individual. Homeopathy is in fact the ultimate hope for those who have been disappointed by other systems.

General Information

General Information About Homeopathy
How can a person be treated online without physical examination? 
Since physical examination through Internet is not possible, the practitioner has to get the information through a questionnaire provided to the patient. Every practitioner has his own format of questionnaire and set of questions depending upon his/her experience and method of treatment. The patient must always reply the questionnaire completly and accurately because that is the information available to the practitioner to make out suitable treatment plan. Such information may include the test reports and other relevant data, which is analyzed by the practitioner. The other procedures like sending the medicines or prescriptions and receiving the payments different with different practitioners.

Are there any side effects of homeopathic medicines? 
It is a very friendly system of treatment and it is well known that homeopathic medicines have no harmful side effects. This fact has stood the test of time and is a strong point of homeopathy. Those who know it always prefer to take homeopathic treatment. However, self-medication, inappropriate use or repetition of doses without the advice of a professional homeopath is not recommended. One should prefer to consult an experienced Homeopath. Remember that medicine is after all a medicine, not a sweet candy. 

How long does it take to cure? 
The treatment time depends on the nature and severity of the case. Usually acute cases respond earlier whereas chronic cases take time. This is true for all the healing systems. Homeopathic treatment is said to be a slower system, which is not correct. In certain acute cases, homeopathy can give instant relief. Cases like arthritis, asthma, cirrhosis of liver, certain skin diseases including psoriasis and vitiligo etcetera take time in showing improvement, depending on the stage of the disease. 

Can homeopathy be used alongside another treatment system? 
There are lots of different healing systems being used in the world today. All of them have some basis, some logic to offer and some positive results to show. That is why they exist and are being practiced. How do we say which one of them is the best? Every system has its own basis, concept and logic. All of them cannot have the same basis and the same way of treatment. If they could, there would exist just one system. All the healing systems do not use medicines. Some of them might be complimentary to each other while some might be conflicting. Those complimentary to each other may be used together but they will still retain their identity. If for example, chromotherapy and homeopathy are being used together, homeopathy will remain homeopathy and chromotherapy will remain what it is.

It is generally recommended that only one medical system be used at a time to avoid any disagreement between the action of medicines. If medicines from two different systems are used simultaneously, they might neutralize the effects of each other leaving the patient in disappointment. If at all the cure is seen, one would not know which system it has come from. 

If you are under some kind of compulsion to use medicines from some other system along with homeopathic medicines, ask your homeopath how to manage them. Generally you should leave enough time between a dose of the two, at least an hour. 

What are modalities in homeopathy? 
Lots of ailments are aggravated or ameliorated (becoming better) by different factors. Such factors may be any thing like a specific climatic condition, specific posture, particular condition or situation, particular time of the day, particular food item or whatever. Such influencing factors are called "Modalities". For one individual for example, backache may be worse in the morning, for another it may be worse while at rest and yet for another person, it might be more troublesome while moving about. An asthmatic person might experience aggravation of his disease in rainy season while another might be in more trouble during dry season. These are just two examples. Similarly, other ailments have their own modalities.

 In certain healing systems modalities are not given due attention. At times, they are considered psychological and ignored but in systems like homeopathy, such modalities have a very important role to play. Homeopathy is one unique system that takes care of the modalities, unlike most of the other treatment systems. While selecting homeopathic medicine, making out the treatment plan and advising diet precautions, such modalities are always kept in mind and given due importance. No homeopath ever ignores modalities because if he does, he will only step towards failure of the treatment. If you plan to take homeopathic treatment, be sure to mention what you exactly feel. You must tell the doctor what makes your problem worse or better. Do not ever consider a modality irrelevant. If you have one, let your doctor consider it. At times, in particular situation, modalities alone might dictate the choice of a medicine. 

Are there specialists for various diseases in homeopathy? 
In some treatment systems, there is a specialist for every organ of the body but it is not so in homeopathy. We know that the human body always works as one integrated unit while performing any function. None of the major organs can survive without the active support of other organs. Heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, brain and all other organs must function as an integrated whole. If one part (organ) does not function properly, other organs will be affected one way or the other, less or more. Therefore, all of the physical, emotional and mental symptoms must be considered together, in totality. This is what homeopathy does.

 Homeopathic medicines are always chosen according to total picture of the symptoms, and their effect is not limited to one or two organs. They are capable of covering immensely wide range of symptoms and multiple problems in the whole body, much wider than other systems. In homeopathy it is not necessary to give a load of bottles or pills. At times you might tell a dozen symptoms to your homeopath but he/she might give you just a few doses of one medicine. This does not mean that he/she has covered only one symptom. Your homeopath must have kept all your symptoms in mind whichever organ they belong to. Thus a homeopath can treat all organs and all types of diseases. There is no concept of specialization in classical homeopathy. 

What precautions should be taken during homeopathic treatment? 
Homeopathic medicines are quite effective but there are some precautions that should be taken for better results. It is very important that correct diet be taken at least during the treatment otherwise the medicines might not give the desired results. Such precautions would be different in every case depending upon the ailment and the medicines being used. While starting the treatment, your homeopath should give you a diet plan and tell you what you need to take and what to avoid. Your should preferably not use any medicine without regular medical advice but in case you decide to take some medicine not recommended by your homeopath, don't forget to be careful with your diet.

Generally, any thing that contains Caffeine, Coca (e.g. Coca-Cola), Menthol, Camphor, Peppermint, excessive Salt etc. should be avoided because these may antidote (but not always) the effects of some homeopathic medicines. Coffee is one item that needs to be avoided in most of the cases.

How homeopathic medicines should be taken?
It is very simple. No bad tastes, no large quantities. Generally, it is taken in the following manner.

Ø  If your medicine is in the shape of tablets or powder, it should be dissolved under the tongue in a clean mouth.
Ø  It is preferable to have a mouthwash with plain water before taking the medicine, especially if you are a smoker.
Ø  Smoking, eating or drinking any thing (except plain water if necessary) soon after taking the medicine should be avoided.
Ø  If your medicine is in the shape of drops, it should be taken in about 1/2 cup of plain water.
Ø  Homeopathic medicine should preferably be taken either at least 15 minutes before meals or an hour after, unless your homeopath has advised differently.
Ø  Try to avoid touching the tablets by hand.

There are other ways of taking the medicine. In case the medicine is to be taken differently, your homeopathy would advise you accordingly.

How should homeopathic medicines be stored?
Homeopathic medicines have a long storage life. If they are in the form of liquid, made in alcohol, the life will be as much as the life of alcohol. All you need to do is to keep the lid tight to prevent evaporation. Mother tinctures prepared in water have much shorter shelf life.

Homeopathic medicines in the form of globules, tablets or powder form can last for many, many years, if stored appropriately.

Glass bottles should not be stored in strong light. They must specially be kept away from sunlight.

Should be kept away from strong smelling items like perfumes etc. Never store them in your kitchen (which has maximum variety of smells). Even if the bottle is airtight, it should preferably be stored cautiously.

It is not necessary to keep homeopathic medicines in a refrigerator. They should preferably be kept at normal room temperature.

Avoid placing them near a TV set, computer, cell phone or other such gadget that emits rays. The rays will damage the delicate nature of the medicines and destroy their efficacy.